904 Podcast Episodes in the Last 904 Days. Here’s 5 Insights on How We Did it.

In August 2019, a previous Voiceover client of mine called.

“Hey, I’m starting a daily podcast. Do you want to produce it and cohost?”, He asked.

‘Sure!’ I responded.

Episode 1 of the ‘Level 10 Contractor Daily Podcast’ released Monday September 9,2019.

We’ve been releasing shows every day since.

Level 10 Contractor Daily Podcast Cover Art

Here’s 5 insights if you’re thinking about producing a daily podcast:

Build up a library of usable audio.

My cohost (who provides “the meat” of each episode) has been a marketing consultant going on 30 years.

Not only does he have new audio he records, He also has archived audio from old school teleseminars (before Zoom!) he’s kept. Record (and keep) everything you do.

What audio do you produce that you can use as episodes?

Revisit the same topics from new angles.

People will come to you for your unique takes (whatever your topic).

Be able to share your “core message” in various ways, with anecdotes, stories, metaphors and client examples.

What are 5 stories you can share related to your message?

Plan several weeks out.

We use Google sheets to schedule episodes and keep up with what has been produced and released.

I produce at least one week ahead (if not more), But we have about 4 weeks of episodes scheduled.

What are your first 60 days of topics going to cover?

Theme days and episodes are your friend.

Weekly, we have a recurring “5 tips” episode and a “throwback” show. Biweekly, we have a countdown of “best moments” from the podcast, and a “deep dive” into one specific marketing topic.

What recurring themes weekly/biweekly or monthly themes could you create for your podcast?

Hire an editor.

If you’re coming up with topics and recording consistently, I’d encourage you to hire someone to take over production. That way, you can focus on creation, and not stress about producing too.

Have you thought about hiring a producer?