You Control You

You can’t control People, Places or Things, but What CAN you control?

Read. Think. Do.

Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity.’

—-Christopher Morley

Do the Work!

The only rule is WORK. If you work, it will lead to something. It’s the people who do the work all the time who eventually catch onto things.

Sister Corita Kent

How do you Apologize Effectively?

The Keys to Constructing an Effective Apology

Apologies are tools with which we acknowledge violations of social expectations or norms, take responsibility for the impact of our actions on others, ask their forgiveness, and by doing so, repair ruptures in our relationships, restore our social standing, and ease feelings of guilt. This formulation implies that for an apology to be effective it must have the following key ingredients:

1. A clear ‘I’m sorry’ statement.

2. An expression of regret for what happened.

3. An acknowledgment that social norms or expectations were violated.

4. An empathy statement acknowledging the full impact of our actions on the other person.

5. A request for forgiveness.

Taken from This Psychology Today article on how to apologize well.