When a problem comes up in your life, take time to write about it.
It helps you process what you are going through.
As Socrates said: The unexamined life is not worth living.
Here are 5 prompts to guide you in your examination:
First, ask yourself:
👉What happened that upset you?
Take couple sentences to summarize the situation.
Next, answer these questions:
👉Why does this upset me?
👉What are my feelings toward this thing?
👉What is causing my frustration?
Third, in this process of reflection, you should ask yourself:
👉What would help me calm down in this situation?
👉What do I want to happen?
👉What would I like to see as a new outcome?
Fourth, as you are looking at this issue:
Write out a Bible verse or a truth statement about your situation – so you can see it (and refer back to it) if something similar happens in the future.
Ask yourself:
👉What does God say about this?
👉Is there a verse that relates to what I’m going through?
👉A Bible story or Proverb or Psalm that could guide me?