I wish I knew these 10 things before taking my first look at Porn
“You gotta check this out.” He sprinted up the stairs, turned around and waved me up. We snuck into a …
“You gotta check this out.” He sprinted up the stairs, turned around and waved me up. We snuck into a …
Coach John Wooden has been a ‘mentor’ of mine for years. I have gathered 10 great quotes from the ‘Wizard of Westwood’.
Some thoughts on cruddy communication The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw …
11 ways to make your home and marriage a refueling place
Blood sloshed from his nose. There was a hole where his front teeth should’ve been. He was gurgling.
I thought: I’m in SO much trouble.
No Shame Parenting Encouragement for That Uncomfortable Conversation A friend caught her son with porn. She was freaking out. Understandably. …
How can writing out your problems help you? Use this framework to analyze your issues and get some wisdom
What do you think the secreat to Creativity is? Here is one solid idea.
How do you show love to your spouse? For me it involves green goopy kleenex.